module; import uim.vue; @safe: /** * vueDirective - Global register of custom directives * name: Name of directive, use as v-<name> (test should be used as v-test ) * bind, inserted and update are hook functions * vDirective - Global register of custom directives **/ auto vueDirective(string name, string bind, string inserted, string update) { string[] content; /// bind: hook which called only once, when the directive is first bound to the element (For one-time setup work) if (bind) content~=`bind:%s`.format(bind); /// inserted: hook which called when the bound element has been inserted into its parent node if (inserted) content~=`inserted:%s`.format(inserted); /// update: hook which called after the containing component’s VNode has updated, but possibly before its children have updated. if (update) content~=`update:%s`.format(update); return `Vue.directive('%s',{%s});`.format(name, content.join(",")); } unittest {} /// Use of a directive in a HTML element T vDirective(T:DH5Obj)(T h5, string name, string value) { return h5.attribute("v-"~name, value); } unittest { assert(H5Div.vDirective("test", "123") == `<div v-test="123"></div>`); }